Monday, October 22, 2007

Iran war timetable

Dick Chaney recently said that the United States will never allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said Monday that Iran would need 3 - 8 years to develop a nuke. He said this in the context of advocating against military measures against Iran, saying in effect, "we have plenty of time."

I wonder, how can Dick Chaney be sure that the United States will not allow Iran to go nuclear unless an attack is being planned before Bush and Cheney leave office? I don't think he has the confidence that Hillary or any Democrat would definitely go to war to stop Iran if the present administration doesn't do it. And three years is not a long time. Coming at the time it does, I think this indicates the high probability of some kind of attack against Iran.

Also, there have been reports that Syria has started a program to develop nukes and that Israel has already bombed one of their facilities.

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